The Closing Ceremony...
Today,it was our student Li Tek 'A' of 2009's Closing Ceremony..In the early morning,before I went to school,I and some friends,Jennifer Cheah,Hui Yee,Iryn,Jia Yuan,Jesslyn,John,Cheng Chow and Tzu Chen..We went to a nearby coffee shop to enjoy our breakfast...
Today,I had to do 2 important things:
1.I'm the conductor of my school band
2.I had to give a farewell speach
So that,I was So......frightened...9.ooa.m.,the ceremony started...I was the conductor of our school band...Teacher Looi always want to take our photo and want to put at the Facebook..Altough he said many times,but never did it...After that,it was my most frightened time...I walked up the stage slowly,a bow....I started my speech...'Thank you...'Hooray~all my frightened and important things were GONE~I nonid to be so frightened..And I back to my place and sat beside my DaiDai-JeCuan..I don't know what happend about him today,I think he something wrong today..sometimes laugh and sometimes mod downing...
Lastly,I just had to recieve the trophy onli..After the ceremony,we still had to put all the chairs to our class....It's so heavy and we so HOT...because of the uniform...11.30p.m.,I, Jennifer,Hui Ye e and Chin Ling went to 7eleven to buy some drinks..
Bye~My dearly Friends~Muacks..