My Friends
Hello,today is HOLIDAY!And do you guys remember I wrote a post before about my friends,
it's my time to introduce them.
YAY! We need friends in our LIFE.
(NOT IN ORDER yeah ;)
I just follow my friends name.LIKE, A,B,C,D,E.
So,I AM NOT in the ORDER!
I just follow my friends name.LIKE, A,B,C,D,E.
So,I AM NOT in the ORDER!
I have lovely and funny friends that made my life more interesting.
Belle sits in front of me in my class.
She is clever and has a same birthday with me. 8/3
She has two DEARS and has a pair of BIG breasts.
Oh.Felicia didn't have her own photo actually,
and I just can put her profile picture. LOL.
Felicia is a cute girl and she always score high marks in her exam.
This is yutian.She is with my DSLR :)
She is older than me 1 day.
She is responsible and can even organise a BBQ PARTY until so perfect.
Nice right this picture? :)
And she is GRACE, she loves to take photos.
She is beautiful and is a fans of "D".

Awww. She is our class monitor- Ms.Hui Qi.
Hui Qi is funny and lively.She never cry in front of us.
She loves to tell jokes and quarrel with me ;)
I just introduce 5 of them and it's untill "H'',
and I will continue introduce others to you all tomorrow or next time.